Join our 30 Day Bible Verses Challenge!

Chances are, there’s something you’ve said to yourself more than once when it comes to reading the Bible consistently.

“I don’t know where to start.”

“I start out great, then I just kind of forget about it.”

”I have a hard time reading chapter after chapter, so I don’t really ever get into a routine.”

One of the things that I love about Instagram is that it can connect you with people and see a peek into each other’s lives that live in completely different places, but have similar goals.

And Instagram is actually how this 30 Day challenge came to life.

Brenna of Elly and Grace and I met each other at a Retreat in 2019, and we have kept in touch since. Though one of us may be a lot better at returning text messages in a timely manner (cough cough not me. I’m the one who is usually behind on returning texts). one thing that we are great at is keeping up with each other on Instagram.

Do you find that sometimes too?

Perhaps it’s because we’re both small business owners who are on Instagram almost on a daily basis for our businesses, but we had a realization one day.

I had just started my first 2022 lettering challenge and shared a peek of it in my Instagram Stories. Brenna is a handletterer so has been encouraging me as I’ve been learning my way around the handlettering world for the last year. Brenna had just asked people in her stories if they struggle with reading the Bible on a more consistent basis.

And suddenly, a flurry of text messages later, this 30 Day Challenge took shape.

Because here’s the thing.

As with anything in your life, if it is a priority, you’ll make it happen.
BUT if it is something you’d like to do more but it’s not necessarily you’ve made a habit yet,
having a community of people around you as you get comfortable with a new habit can make all of the difference in the world.

So we both decided, rather than us working on this 30 Day Challenge on our own, we wanted to do it together and invite you to join us for the month!

On Brenna’s Instagram, you’ll find so many ways to get more comfortable with learning your way around the Bible, with some pretty amazing true to life moments shared when it comes to reading the Bible every day.

On Kristin’s Instagram (the person writing to you here, so hey hi hello to you today!) you’ll find ways to create a life filled with purpose and plans you love, one day at a time.

So it was almost like an aha moment of sorts … how can we put both of our strengths together while giving you something to work towards that you can literally see progress in every. single. day?

This is how the 30 Day Bible Verses Challenge began,
but that is truly just the beginning.

Personally, this is the first time I’ve ever done a challenge like this on Instagram with the full intention to participate the whole 30 days, because usually I’ve found that I start out fantastic but after a few days, my initial excitement wavers and then it becomes something that I wanted to do, but it doesn’t have enough of a priority to become a habit.

And I know I’m not alone in this. (I also have severe ADHD, sooo there’s that).

But if you want to take things one step further, I want to try something new with you to help you to participate in a 30 Day Challenge consistently.

What if, instead of simply having a graphic to have on your phone, you had a printable PDF that you could tuck into your bible, tape into your planner, your notebook or even hang on your refrigerator, and receive an email each week walking you through how to set yourself up for success each week and see it through week to week?

  • 30 days may seem hard to commit to,

  • but what if you decided to do this for 7 days,

  • repeat it four times in a row,

  • with a couple of bonus days tagged on at the end once you made it to the end of 4 weeks as a way to make your habits literally become part of your routine?

So that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

If you’d like to participate in the 30 Day Challenge and have the image to keep you going, simply go to this Instagram post here to save the graphic to your phone and work through it day by day.

But if you’d like to participate in the 30 Day Challenge and receive an email each week (with the first weekly tips email coming your way on Monday, February 7th) teaching you how to set yourself up for success for the next 4 weeks, choose to sign up here!

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You’ll instantly receive the PDF Download so that you can print it out and have it on hand as we get started, but I also want to express this to you.

Just because the 4 Weeks of Weekly Tips Emails don’t begin until Monday, February 7th,
this does not mean you need to wait until Monday to begin.

You can absolutely choose to start the moment that you see the Instagram post shared, the moment the PDF arrives in your inbox, or just because you feel like reading that day.

This challenge may be one that begins on February 7th,
but guess what that also means?

4 Weeks past February 7th takes us to March.

  • Week One: February 7th-13th (Day 1-7)

  • Week Two: February 14th - 20th (Day 8-14)

  • Week Three: February 21st-27th (Day 15-21)

  • Week Four: February 28th to March 6th (Day 22-28)

  • Week Five: March 7th + 8th (Day 29-30)

Our 30 days together will be wrapping up mid-week, on a Tuesday.

Is there a possibility you can get into a groove so well between Week 1, 2, 3, and 4 that by Week 5 you’ll want to keep going for more than 30 days?

That is our ultimate goal by doing this 30 Day Challenge with you.

Are we asking for perfection?

But do we hope you’ll dedicate 30 days to working with a plan to develop a habit to become more consistent with your bible reading, lettering, verse knowing, and more?

The only question now is, are you going to join us for the Challenge?

Decide what YOU need to hold yourself accountable, pick your path and let’s GO!

  • A / Join + Participate On Your Own
    If you’ve got a 30 Day Graphic to go from and then you’ll be set, simply save one of these graphics to your Pinterest Board, screenshot it to your phone, or save it from Instagram.

  • B / Join with tips from Kristin each week
    Do you want to have weekly tips + suggestions each week along with receiving a PDF so that you don’t have to have it on your phone? If so, sign up for the Weekly Tips just above this paragraph on this blog post, with your first email arriving on Monday, February 7th.

  • C / Join with a friend
    Will you do the best if you have a friend or four join you in the challenge?
    If so, share this blog post with them (copy + paste the link above) or tag them on this Instagram post inviting them to join you.

No matter if you chose A, B, or C above,
comment below if you’ll be joining us for our challenge so that we can say hello to you in the days ahead. We can’t wait to begin on Monday, February 7th!