Free Delivery Drivers Printable: Thank Them in Style This Season

Serious talk - are you doing a whole heck of a lot of online shopping these days??

Chances are, we have packages arriving (almost) every week of the year, perhaps even daily this month if you chose to shop online for the holidays rather than going to a store.

But have you ever paused to thank the people who bring you the item you purchased in the wind, the rain, the snow, the heat, and the cold, every single day of the year?

This holiday season, do something a little extra special for the people who bring every single thing we order from the coziness of our own home directly to your door.

Thank your delivery drivers in style by creating a spot at your front door that includes snacks + drinks, adding these signs so that they know they're just for them.

To make this easy for us, I used things that we already owned, except for one thing … the flamingo. That was a fun find on a TJ Maxx trip one day, and the moment I saw it I knew I needed to use this to add a pop of fun to the overall spot. Obviously, a basket will do just fine, but this flamingo certainly gets your attention, doesn’t it!

After setting up the table I took a trip to Sam’s Club to stock up on snacks. I purchased ones that I figured adults and kids alike would like, so that after the holidays are over, if we have extra snacks remaining, we can send them to my kiddos’ classroom for their teachers to have on hand for the kids who don’t have snacks of their own during the day.

This year, we’re including individual packs of crackers, cookies, and granola bars, with the intention of it being easy to snack on on the go as a priority.

Next to the table I put a cooler with waters inside, and because we’re still experiencing 70+ days, I added ice packs inside (bagged in a ziploc bag so that I can use them over and over each day) and added the Water sign. I laminated this sign and the vinyl that it’s attached to behind it, so that if it gets wet, it doesn’t get damaged.

After that, I decided to add one more detail to our mailbox for USPS - because sometimes, the packages we receive fit in our mailbox so they don’t come up to our porch. But, I also wanted them to know that they could come up to the porch to get a snack or a drink even if we didn’t have a package that day, because let’s be honest … they work hard.

For a preview of our entire setup + see how I adapted the mailbox print to fit our mailbox, watch this Reel we shared on Instagram!

I’m setting this out each morning at 7am (because some of our drivers drop things off that early as they are running two routes per day!) and bringing it in each night around 9, because that seems to be when most of our deliveries arrive in the month of December.

We’ll have this on our porch from the 14th to 24th of December, and honestly, I would love if everyone would do this - can you imagine how it might make your delivery driver(s) feel at the end of a long day for someone to recognize how hard they’re working?

It might seem like a small detail, but it is definitely one that could make a big impact, too.

If you’d like to download + print these Delivery Driver Thank You signs, they’re available to download complimentary right here today … all you have to do is sign up to receive them instantly to your inbox!

Happy holidays, and enjoy!