How to Create a Portable Gift Wrapping Station


Raise your hand if you've ever uttered those words, only to discover that the things you had set aside or gathered or even always have in the same place are missing.

That feeling is SO frustrating, especially when you're trying to be productive with your time.

No one wants to have to find the tape or scissors or ribbons or pens or gift tags (which always happens to be hiding under a partially unrolled roll of paper that you is the LAST place you look, right?!)

I've seen the gift wrapping stations that are on carts that can get rolled from one room to another, but I wanted something that anyone (including my kids) could carry to any room in the house.

Enter my favorite solution ... creating a gift wrapping station that is portable, all housed in one sturdy basket.

This way, you can have everything in one spot and bring it from room to room as you need to, so whether you’re wrapping at a table or on the carpet, you’ve got everything you need right by you without needing to carry something heavy or roll it across any floors to make it happen.

This is how we have ours set up, and the best part is that I didn't spend one penny buying anything special for it - I just thought about what we had and how I could make it work, because this isn't something we'll need year round but for now??

This is going to be a gift wrapping lifesaver.

Included in our Portable Gift Wrapping Station are:

1 // Three Tall Clear Containers without their lids (we normally use these in our pantry)

  • One container for bows

  • One container for tissue paper

  • One for the random small extra pieces of wrapping paper that are still good to use for smaller gifts that you don’t want to get wrinkled so that you can use them for future wrapping

2 // White basket from Target (sold in a set of 3) holding ribbon + extra rolls of tape

3 // A mesh zipper pouch with gift tags so everyone can easily see the specific tags they're looking for and not worry about it staying neat

4 // A holiday mug which holds two pairs of scissors, two blunt tip Sharpies, two fine point Sharpies, and two pens

and of course,
5 // two tape dispensers. Yes, TWO. Because if one goes missing, you don’t want that little friction to hold you back from wrapping joy.

Buy yourself tape dispensers, my friend … it changes everything in the best way when it comes to using tape with ease.

This means that as long as the basket goes with the person or TWO people to use to if they're wrapping together, everything will stay together + they'll have everything they need in one spot.

My favorite easy-going detail about all of this is simply using a zipper pouch to keep track of all gift tags. Because for real, how many times do we purchase tags that are all the same size?

Whether they’re on a roll, on a notepad, or individually packaged, by using an oversized mesh zipper pouch you can easily find the ones you’re looking for and keep them all together in one spot.

The goal with a portable gift wrapping station is to keep it together.

Keeping it organized is another story. 😅

Now of course, this is all about the details of what you need when it comes to wrapping gifts. What’s missing?? The wrapping paper, of course!

When it comes to wrapping paper, obviously that is a little bit more challenging when you’re trying to keep all of that organized …. but we’ve got an amazing tip for you with this one that’s going to be coming to the Grace and Serendipity journal next.

All month long, we’ll be sharing tips + holiday planning details right here before beginning January with all things planning to make the beginning of your 2022 one of your favorites.

To make sure you don’t miss anything, join The Grace List below. See you again soon!